
EFInA Releases Access to Financial Services in Nigeria (A2F) 2023 Survey – Datasets

The wait is finally over! EFInA has just released the highly anticipated Access to Financial Services in Nigeria 2023 Survey datasets, and the insights they hold are nothing short of groundbreaking.

In this treasure trove of data, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of Nigeria’s financial landscape, from demographic and socio-economic characteristics to access to various financial products and services. Dive deep into usage patterns, preferences, and barriers to financial inclusion, and explore the geographical distribution of access across Nigeria.

Why is this important?

Access to financial services isn’t just about numbers – it’s about empowering individuals and communities, driving economic growth, and fostering positive change. With these datasets- researchers, policymakers, and organizations have a powerful tool at their fingertips to inform evidence-based decision-making, develop innovative solutions, and drive impactful interventions.

Join us in unlocking the potential of the EFInA A2F 2023 Survey datasets, and together, let’s pave the way for a more inclusive and empowered future for all.

Visit to access the dataset.

#FinancialInclusion #DataDriven #Empowerment #Nigeria #EFInA #ImpactfulInsights

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